Counseling And Psychological Services - Atlanta, LLC
Helping you put together life's difficult puzzle to complete your full picture
Community Assistance With...
COVID - 19 Pandemic
Our world was facing unprecedented times in 2020. Many countries were plagued by the corona virus and were struggling to obtain control, the US was no exception. Georgia was a hotspot for the virus for a majority of the that year. The COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed our lives from 2020 to 2021. We experienced a US shutdown, that impacted so many lives. Some started working from home, children were taught virtually, and many religious and recreational centers closed or offered limited in-person contact.
As a result, CAPS-Atlanta sought to make an aspect of life easier by offering individual therapy and other services (at no cost to the client) to those who contracted and experienced difficulties related to the corona virus. This was an effort to allow a safe and no stress space to cope with what life was giving out. CAPS-Atlanta sought out grants and other funding to be able to provide these services and to support this effort.
As of December 2023, CAP-Atlanta is no longer offering free services to those affected by the pandemic. However, our office continues work with all clients to identify an affordable means of payment.
Federal Workers' Furlough
As a psychologist, I have encounter several clients that are struggling to meet their necessary copays for therapy, doctor visits, and prescription refills during their undetermined unpaid employment (with working or leave) due to the federal government shutdown and resulting furloughs. Mental health will inadvertently take a back seat to paying rent/mortgage, eating, transportation, children's needs, and other primary needs during this time. However, neglecting mental health can have a devastating impact on one's life well after financial situations have improved. This is my way of giving back to those that are temporarily in need. Raised funds are available to any federal employee that could benefit from it (documented proof required).
As of 01/23/19, two furloughed federal workers have been aided with prescriptions, therapy copays, and transportation.
This campaign was discontinued on January 25, 2019, when the furlough ended.